東京都 中野区(外国語版)

アプリ名:Nakano City Garbage Separation

【Basic features】
■ Collection day calendar
This calendar shows users their garbage collection schedule on one screen in one of three patterns; today and tomorrow, weekly, and monthly.

■ Alert function
This function alerts users the day before different types of garbage are scheduled to be collected, and on the collection day as well. Users can set any time they wish.

■ Garbage-Separation Guidelines
These guidelines show users how to dispose of different items. The app uses a search system with high retrieval performance to ensure that users can easily find what they are looking for.

■ Garbage disposal methods
This feature shows users examples of each type of garbage, and how to dispose of them.

This FAQ provides users with information on inquiries we frequently receive.

■ Notifications
This feature notifies users of changes to collection dates, information on events, and more.

– This is an official Nakano City app. Please note that this app is intended for Nakano City residents.




  1. 東京都 立川市

  2. 東京都 府中市(外国語版)

  3. 東京都 練馬区